Certified of Organisation Performance Analyst (COPA)


The Certified Organisation Performance Analyst (COPA) is an international competency certificate that enables business professionals in various fields and levels of management to measure, map, articulate, and leverage comprehensive organisational performance needed in an era of disruptive competition.

The Certified Organisation Performance Analyst (COPA) is an international competency certificate that enables business professionals in various fields and levels of management to measure, map, articulate, and leverage comprehensive organisational performance needed in an era of disruptive competition.
Disruptive business competition has made business owners and leaders aware that profit is not the only measure of organisational performance. Modern businesspeople are starting to implement a strategy of burning money or intentional losses as a basis for building a market and reputation which is a slap in the face for conventional businesspeople. The modern businessman is a value seeker who expects profits during the initial offering (IPO) on the capital market. Just look at many modern companies offering shares during IPO at exorbitant prices even though profits are minus.

Modern business practices that tend to undermine conventional business practices are supported by 3 parties, namely angel investors, digital players, and smart customers. Angel investors as funders. Smart customer as a judge who decides which organisation is worth maintaining and which is worth getting rid of. Management Agent as a digital player that uses technology to boost organisational competitiveness. These three parties play an important role in building disruptive competition. If you want to survive and grow, then every businessperson is required to redefine organisational performance.

Organisational performance must be seen from five perspectives, namely leadership perspective, people perspective, business process perspective, stakeholder relationship perspective, and financial perspective. The five perspectives are comprehensive organisational performance in an era of disruptive competition. When businesspeople are able to measure, map, articulate, and leverage these five perspectives of organisational performance, organisational sustainability can be ensured.]

Training: For a business owner or leader who wants to deepen competence in measuring, mapping, analysing, and leveraging organisational performance in accordance with a disruptive business environment in 8 competencies as shown below:

Day 1:
• Organisation Performance: Learners can understand and formulate organisational performance that fits into a disruptive business environment
• Leadership Performance Analysis: Learners can understand leadership performance which includes leadership effectiveness and organisational culture in accordance with a disruptive business environment
• People Performance Analysis: Learners can understand empowerment and engagement performance in accordance with a disruptive business
• Business Process Performance Analysis: Learners can understand business value chain creation performance in accordance with a disruptive business.

Day 2
• Customer Performance Analysis: Learners can understand customer value creation performance in accordance with a disruptive business
• Brand (Reputation) Performance Analysis: Learners can understand brand valuation
• Financial Performance Analysis: Learners can understand financial statement analysis and corporate value
• Organisation Performance Leverage: Learners can understand organisational performance symptoms as a basis for leveraging organisation performance.

Assessments: These are designed to validate your knowledge of the subject area, as well as increase employability skills, and coaching skills by testing that knowledge and your ability to apply it (i.e., competency).

The Certified Organisation Performance Analyst (COPA)TM Board Certification is awarded to individuals who have met our requirements.

Training provided by our partner – Business Number Consulting, Indonesia