Professional Certified Auditor (PCA)

The Professional Certified Auditor (PCA) certification is ideal for those who are

  1. working as auditors, professional accountants,
  2. are starting career in auditing and professional accounting,
  3. internal auditors,
  4. and any others want to improve knowledge in practicing auditing and accounting in depth.


The Professional Certified Auditor (PCA) certification is ideal for those who are

  1. working as auditors, professional accountants,
  2. are starting career in auditing and professional accounting,
  3. internal auditors,
  4. and any others want to improve knowledge in practicing auditing and accounting in depth.

The PCA program consists of 5 modules divided into two sections. The first section includes 3 technical modules: Applied Auditing 1, Accounting for Auditors, Taxation. The second section includes 2 approach modules: Applied Auditing 2, Detection of Earnings Management and Frauds. In all modules, participants will be given real case study for analysis and deep understanding of the approach and standards. A “PCA” will be equipped to satisfy the requirements from professional auditing and accounting firms including Big4. A “PCA” can be proficient in implementation of audit planning, control testing, testing of detail in major audit cycles, substantive analytical procedures, and audit reports with various types of auditors’ opinions. With a special module “Detection of Earnings Management and Fraud”, a PCA can understand (1) reasons why management distorts earnings, (2) signals of managed earnings, (3) trends that earnings are forced into, (4) creative accounting methods that management applies, and (5) when these methods normally applied. Several real cases in accounting frauds will be provided in both local and international contexts.

AFMA Certification can be obtained by undertaking the AFMA approved Training Program conducted by AFA Research and Education in Vietnam.

Training: For those wishing to undertake training to obtain certification, this course conducted by AFMA approved trainer (AFA Research and Education in Vietnam) includes five modules: Applied Auditing 1, Accounting for Auditors, Taxation, Applied Auditing 2, Detection of Earnings Management and Frauds.

Assessments: These are designed to validate your knowledge of the subject area, as well as increase employability skills, and coaching skills by testing that knowledge and your ability to apply it (i.e., competency).

The Professional Certified Auditor (PCA)TM Board Certification is awarded to individuals who have met our requirements.

Training provided by our partner – AFA Research and Education, Vietnam.