Certified Professional Financial Analyst (CPFA)

The Certified Professional Financial Analyst (CPFA) certification is ideal for those who wish to

  1. analyse financial information to produce forecasts of business, industry, and economic conditions for use in making investment decisions;
  2. assemble spreadsheets and draw charts and graphs used to illustrate technical reports, using computer; and
  3. evaluate and compare the relative quality of various securities in a given industry.


The Certified Professional Financial Analyst (CPFA) certification is ideal for those who wish to

  1. analyse financial information to produce forecasts of business, industry, and economic conditions for use in making investment decisions;
  2. assemble spreadsheets and draw charts and graphs used to illustrate technical reports, using computer; and
  3. evaluate and compare the relative quality of various securities in a given industry.

The knowledge-base requires a CPFA to stay abreast of developments in the fields of industrial technology, business, finance, and economic theory.

AFMA Certification can be obtained by undertaking an AFMA approved Training Program.

Training: For those wishing to undertake training to obtain certification, this course covers the integrated knowledge of economic and accounting principles and practices, the financial markets, banking and the analysis and reporting of financial data.

Assessments: These are designed to validate your knowledge of the subject area, as well as increase employability skills, and coaching skills by testing that knowledge and your ability to apply it (i.e., competency).

The Certified Professional Financial Analyst – (CPFA )TM Board Certification is awarded to individuals who have met our  Requirements.

Training is provided in Face-to-Face Mode only– For more information contact AFMA